
第109章 混沌【2 / 2】


it all fell apart 最后努力却轻易分崩离析

what it meant to me will 对我来说

eventually be a 最好的结果

memory of a time when 便是把这段固执信念深埋

i tried so hard 我曾努力挣扎

and got so far 走到现今

but in the end 最终才发现

it doesn&39;t even matter 原来都无济于事

i had to fall 不可控制的

to lose it all 失去了所有

but in the end 最终才明白

it doesn&39;t even matter 前途渺茫

one thing 有件事

i don&39;t know why 我不曾明白

it doesn t even matter 无论你如何竭尽全力

how hard you try 为什么却于事无补

keep that in mind 在我脑海深处

i designed this rhyme 撰写下这首疑歌

to remind myself how 时刻警醒自己

i tried so hard 我曾经努力过

in spite of the way 但我所谓的信念

you were mocking me 你却只会嘲笑

acting like i was 可我的灵魂

part of your property 早已全然属于你

remembering all the 曾经历历在目

times you fought with me 那潸然动容的瞬间

i&39;m surprised it got so (far) 如今却是过往云烟

things aren&39;t the way 万事皆变,物是人非

they were before 再此重逢

you wouldn&39;t even 你或许

recognise me anymore 早已不再认识我

not that you 并非是你的过错

knew me back then 而是我已改变

but it all es 但是过去的一切

back to me (in the end) 都有可能重蹈覆辙

you kept everything inside 你把一切抛之脑后

and even though i tried 我曾挣扎过

it all fell apart 但一切徒劳

what it meant to me will 对我来说

eventually be a 这段记忆

memory of a time when i 我只能掩埋在深处

i tried so hard 我曾努力挣扎

and got so far 走到至今

but in the end 最终才发现

it doesn&39;t even matter 一切都徒劳

i had to fall 不受我的控制

to lose it all 失去了所有

but in the end 最终才明白

it doesn&39;t even matter 一切都无用」

【歌曲出自林肯公园 in the end】