the second day: exhausted both physically and mentally, fang qiheng went to the palace to pay respects to the empress dowager and the empress dowager she realized that the empress might not actually like her; the empress dowager doesn"t like herself at first glance, but she really likes third prince jing qinchen fang qiheng and jing qinchen have an excellent relationship, and the empress dowager"s dislike of her shows that she is not someone who loves everything and cannot be offended(第二天:身心俱疲,进宫拜见帝后以及太后,方琪蘅得出皇后看着喜欢自己实际应该不是喜欢;太后看着就不喜欢自己,可是太后很喜欢三殿下景勤尘,方棋衡和景勤尘关系极好,太后不待见自己说明太后不是个爱屋及乌的,不能得罪。)
oh, by the way, as soon as the crown prince saw a few important figures, he left with a dark face and shook his sleeve, leaving her in the palace without asking he went to find the imperial physician himself(哦对了,太子一见完几个重要人物就黑着脸甩袖离开了把她扔在皇宫不管不问,自己去找太医去了。)
on the third day: tired but happy, returning home, the crown prince performed a great show fang qiheng felt that she was not prepared enough in her heart she had lunch at the general fu"s mansion and before leaving, general fang called the crown prince in i don"t know what he said, but he probably got scolded! when he came out, his face was even darker than ink she was so happy that she died(第三天:累但高兴,回门,太子演的一手好戏,方琪蘅觉得自己还是心里准备做少了,在大将军府吃了午饭,临走前,方老将军把太子叫了进去,不知道说了什么,大抵是挨骂了吧!出来时那脸比墨水还黑。她可开心死了。)
the fourth day: happy not happy, seeing the beauties, the \"harem\" of the crown prince early in the morning, and the future empresses ing to pay their respects, fang qiheng was amazed except for the two concubines she had seen before, the remaining concubines were all beauties jing wenqu was so lucky(第四天:开心不开心,见美女们,一大清早的太子的“后宫”们,未来的娘娘们前来请安,方琪蘅一看一个惊艳,除了两位侧妃她之前见过,剩下的几位侍妾个顶个都是美人,景文渠好福气。)
uahappy, momo has prepared a gift for them, they are all good things! unfortunately, why can"t they also prepare one for me! unreasonable(不开心,嬷嬷给她们准备了见面礼都是好东西啊!可惜了,为什么她们不能也给我准备一份呢!不合理。)